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Innovation Studio Okayama

Lounge Juran

Okayama City, 岡山県 日本




「Juran」という店名は「Ten Orchids」を意味し、"十人十色"(Ten People, Ten Colors, So many men, so many minds)という、多様な優雅さを感じさせる空間が求められました。このエリアは、夜になると街を彩るネオンや街灯の光が隣接する川の水面に反射し、色鮮やかな光と木々の陰影が織り成す美しい景色が広がります。この夜景からインスピレーションを得て、「夜の森に光る蘭へのいざない」というデザインコンセプトが生まれました。本計画では、ゲストを「夜の森に光る蘭」へと導くために、視覚的な錯覚を利用した手法が随所に取り入れられています。




このように、視覚的なトリックと巧妙な空間設計が融合する「Juran」では、限られたスペースの中で広がりを感じさせるだけでなく、万華鏡のように変化する印象を与える空間が実現されています。訪れる人々は、視覚的な錯覚と多彩な演出によって、日常の喧騒から離れた非日常的な体験を楽しみながら、心地よいひとときを過ごすことができます。 Juran is a small lounge bar of approximately 70㎡, planned on the third floor of a commercial building located by the riverside in Okayama City's (population: 720,000) vibrant downtown district. The lounge's layout consists of a lounge area with a bar counter, a private VIP room, restrooms, a cloakroom, and a backroom.

The name "Juran" means "Ten Orchids," symbolizing a space that conveys elegant diversity, as expressed in the phrase "十人十色" (Ten People, Ten Colors, So many men, so many minds). The area comes alive at night, as the neon lights and street lamps reflect off the river's surface, creating a beautiful blend of vibrant colors and shadowy trees. Inspired by this nighttime scenery, the design concept of “a journey to orchids glowing in the night forest” was developed. Various visual illusions are employed throughout the space to guide guests toward this enchanting experience.

For example, the entrance hallway features alternating monochrome photographs of a forest and plain mirrors, blurring the boundaries of the space through reflective illusions. This creates a sense of wandering into a mysterious forest for guests.

Inside the lounge, the kaleidoscopic effect of the mirrors multiplies reflections of people, generating a lively visual experience while adding depth to the space. Velvet carpets and sofas, with textures reminiscent of moss, contrast the sleek, cool lines of the mirrors, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Adjustable LED lighting further enhances the ambiance, allowing for a different experience with each visit.

In the VIP room, the walls and ceiling are set at subtle angles, enhancing the sense of perspective and making the small space feel more expansive.

In this way, Juran combines visual illusions with clever spatial design, creating not only a sense of spaciousness within a limited area but also a dynamic, kaleidoscopic experience. Guests are invited to escape the everyday hustle and bustle and enjoy a unique, visually enchanting environment where they can relax and savor a moment of tranquility.

Project Details





Project Location

Okayama City, 岡山県 日本

© 2023 Innovation Studio Okayama 

東京スタジオ:183-0055 東京都府中市府中町1-10-7
:718-0012 岡山県新見市唐松1527

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